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Awakening Healers
Introduction (Module 1)
Introduction (5:27)
What You Will Learn (11:18)
Setting Intentions (4:50)
What is Awakening and Spiritual Emergence? (Module 2)
Michelle's Story (10:26)
Kyle's Story (13:57)
Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening: Phil Borges at TEDxUMKC (YouTube)
Introduction to Spiritual Emergence (Module 3)
Spiritual Emergence or Psychosis? (61:30)
Esalen Institute and Stanislav Grof (Module 4)
Stanislav Grof & Esalen (51:41)
Spiritual Emergence, Neurodiversity and Compassionate Care (Module 5)
SE, ND, & CC (42:00)
Trauma and Spiritual Emergence (Module 6)
Trauma and Spiritual Emergence (39:32)
The voices in my head | Eleanor Longden (YouTube) - Extra
Cognitive Liberty and Ethics (Module 7)
Cognitive Liberty
Call-to-Action for Ethical Space-Holding
Psychic Ethics
Integration (Module 8)
Integration Tips and Advice (74:13)
Resources and Reading List
Residential Options for Spiritual Emergence
An Integral Approach to Spiritual Emergency: Brant Cortright
Meditation: Chanting and Toning
Breathwork to Clear Emotional Energy
Energy Work
Languaging - Non-pathologizing
Grounding Meditation (6:57)
Self-Care for Sensitive Souls (27:42)
Self Care Intention Statement
Sensorimotor Resources
Akashic Self-Love Prayer (0:15)
Things that may help reduce anxiety and activate relaxation and grounding
What are my resources?
Creating an Altar (11:04)
Chiron: The Wounded Healer
Jung, Astrology, and the Evolution of Consciousness (18:31)
Unveil (Song) (3:17)
Emma Bragdon PhD. - Can Spiritual Emergencies Be Transformative? (Podcast)
Teach online with
Languaging - Non-pathologizing
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